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A man and woman coddle a newborn baby.

Achieving Health Equity—Faster and Together

We take bold leaps to transform health in our lifetime and pave the way, together, to a future where health is for everyone.


Reaffirming Our Shared Vision

In 2025, we rededicate ourselves to taking bold leaps, even in the face of hostility and obstruction. RWJF President and CEO Rich Besser shares the details of our long-term commitment to creating a future where health is no longer a privilege, but a right.

The Systems We're Transforming

To make health equity a reality, we’ll need to change systems so that they work better for all of us. Right now, these systems are working exactly as they were designed—to privilege some and disadvantage others. The good news is that since people created these systems—we can change them.

Watch this video to learn more about systemic impacts.

  • Community Development

    We’re working to ensure safe, affordable place to live, and easy access to healthy food, clean water, and good job opportunities.

  • Economic Inclusion for Families

    We envision U.S. tax and caregiving systems that support caregivers, so all families have the resources they need to raise thriving children.

  • Government

    We envision a more inclusive, effective, and multiracial democracy where everyone can participate in the political processes that impact health.

  • Health Science Knowledge

    We’re working to broaden how we collect, share, and use data, including cultural and community knowledge, to prioritize health equity.

  • Healthcare

    We’re working toward affordable and respectful healthcare, with a diverse workforce that values different cultures’ approaches to health.

  • Media

    We envision news, TV, movies and social media with more diversity, less bias, and more complete stories about health.

  • Public Health

    We envision a public health system that is trustworthy and accountable to communities, supported by funding, data and capacity to advance health equity.

What if Our Systems Actually Served ALL of Us?

Together, we can rebuild systems so they work for us all, leading to a future where health is no longer a privilege but a right.

How We Work

With our partners, we promote policies, practices, and system change to amplify unheard voices, shift the national conversation about health and wellbeing, and dismantle structural barriers to equity. Learn more about our approach, strategic vision, and equity-building efforts.

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Structural Racism and Health

People established laws and practices that perpetuate barriers to health equity. We can reinvent them. Everyone should have the opportunity to live their healthiest life in the place they call home.